Getting Started

Making the switch to P.M. Medical Billing Corp is simple. As the most experienced ophthalmology billers in the country, we have experience with the majority of billing systems that are in existence today. If, however, we come across a system which we are not familiar, we pay for our staff to be professionally trained on it. The more educated we are, the better work we can do for our clients.

Ideally, P.M. Medical Billing requires a three-month lead time to begin fully billing for a practice. That being said, this time frame can be expedited if circumstances necessitate a quicker response. We require all applicable credentialing and insurance carrier information, and a point person be assigned inside the office who can get us the information we need. Although communication is essential, we like to have a light footprint, and promise not to call too often. We know time is money, and our ultimate goal is to help your office drive revenue growth.

Our Internal Structure

In our effort to offer our clients the best service possible, we've developed a protocol that is without comparison in the industry. Although each doctor will have a full team working for them, they'll also have a single point person who will enmesh themselves in their practice to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, the CEO and VP are always available to take a call and assist in problem solving. Since each client is unique, a personalized approach is the only way to go.

Once a doctor is set up and the billers understand the complexities of their practice, we will make recommendations as to things the office can do better to maximize both efficiencies and profit. As we control the office cash flow, we are fully cognizant of the trust you give to our company. We respect this fact and always do what is in the best interest of our clients. We will go above and beyond to earn, and keep, your trust.

Our Environment

hands stacked together

We are tireless in our efforts to stress the importance of teamwork to our employees. Successful communications within our office ultimately leads to success for our clients. Unlike in a doctor's office, where a biller has no one to turn to if there is a question or issue, we have an office full of the best ophthalmology billers in the country that continually share information.

If a biller runs into an issue with a specific client, chances are there is another team member that has encountered the same issue and can offer a solution. This type of open dialogue is our most powerful asset, and what sets us apart. We continually encourage our team to take leadership roles within the firm, and always promote creative thinking. We always want to be one step ahead.

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